Friday, July 27, 2012

Monday Made It

Today I am joining 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It. If you haven't checked out her blog, it is awesome. She has the best ideas for the classroom. She is doing this linky this summer. This is what I have been up to for the last week. If you know me, you know I love pinterest and has a long list of pins. Sadly, I am not great at making all of these cute things I pin but working on that. Since Father's Day was this past weekend, I printed this cute one, framed it, and surprised one daddy with it. I also found these cute chalkboards at the free table at school. Does anyone else have these tables that just happen at the end of year or the beginning of year as we all start cleaning out? I usually just all to the table but this year, I think I took as much as I left. :) I spray painted the frame and then covered it to spray the inside with chalk paint. The lines did not work for me, so I painted over them. I wrote the Porch Rules on it which was also an idea I found. I added it to my chest that I painted red for by back porch. I hope to have my back porchall finished and ready to share in a few days. Last, I found these bottles in the same free table at school and sprayed them yellow and set those on a little table on the back porch. I have tons of other ideas for my classroom, but I just haven't gotten to it yet. Most of what I want to do for my class needs to be done in the class. We can't get back into the building until July, so it will have to wait.

Made It Monday on Tuesday

So, I am a day late but I wanted to share a few of the things that I have made lately. The first one that I made is a couple of chalk boards. I sprayed the cardboard in the old frame and turned it into a chalkboard that I plan to hang in the kids bathroom. I also picked up three of those popular silver trays from the Dollar Tree and painted the inside with chalkboard paint too. They worked great at a resent gathering to label the places to put food, drinks, and desserts.
I also made a cute door sign for my classroom. After seeing so many on here each week, I knew that I wanted one too. I think it turned out pretty cute. The wing that my classroom is on has all primary colors in each room, so I have to keep with those colors to flow best.
I also fancied up Katie Lee's pencil box. Once again, I still cannot believe she is starting to school in a few weeks.
I have lots more things planned to get done in the next few weeks before I have to go back.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Supply List for 2012-2012

Fourth Grade Supply List 2012-2013 SUPPLIES ARE NEEDED THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 3---packs of 100 count wide ruled paper 48---#2 yellow pencils 24 count crayons each semester 2—glue sticks each semester Scissors 1 pack Crayola fat markers 1---3 subject spiral notebook 1 small pencil pouch to fit inside binder 1--- ½ three ring binder with clear front pocket 1 single subject spiral notebook Composition notebook with graph (grid) paper Composition notebook without grid paper Dictionary to be used at home for spelling Flash drive 4 Black Expo markers A HOMEWORK PLANNER WILL BE PROVIDED FOR YOU CHILD. HE OR SHE WILL BE REQUIRED TO USE IT DAILY AND MUST KEEP UP WITH IT ALL YEAR. PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR CHILD’S NAME ON ANY ON THE SUPPLIES. WE WILL LABEL THEM ACCORDING TO HOW THEY WILL BE USED. WISH LIST 1—Germ-X 2—containers of Clorox wipes 3—boxes of Kleenex 2—paper towels 1—Lysol 2—packs of white copy paper DO NOT BRING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS (NO SPACE) Large pencil boxes/ art boxes Trapper keepers Rolling suitcase book bags Pencil sharpeners NO TOYS OR ANYTHING THAT YOUR CHILD WILL PLAY WITH AND DISTRACT FROM LEARNING. THESE ITEMS WILL BE TAKEN AND ONLY RETURNED TO THE PARENT.