Monday, February 21, 2011

Newsletter for Feb. 21

Don't forget to dress up for the Symphony trip on Friday.

Reading Projects are due Friday.

Reading: Seeker of Knowledge-skill—graphic sources—ARMT/SAT
Math: ARMT/SAT skills
We are continuing Mad Math this week. This is a daily math drill.
Language: Possessive Pronouns; descriptive writing
Spelling: Monday: ABC Order Tuesday: Definitions
Wednesday: Sentences Thursday: 3 x each
Friday: Unit test and turn in activities.
Alabama History—Research historical African Americans

Important Dates to Remember:
Feb. 22—Bowling Field Trip 8-11
Feb. 25- Symphony Field Trip- DRESS UP
Feb. 24—Reading Test
Feb.25--Spelling Test
Feb. 25—division 8’s

Students should have at least 70% of AR point goal with 85% accuracy by the end of this week. Please make sure that your child is reading AR books each night for at least 30 minutes.

Spelling Words

1. village 11. excited
2. except 12. expect
3. explain 13. Texas
4. quick 14. fudge
5. charge 15. excellent
6. bridge 16. exercise
7. knowledge 17. quart
8. question 18. liquid
9. equal 19. quilt
10. queen 20. expert

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mystery Math Monday

Solve the problem below and return it to school by Friday of this week.

Katie had 0.2 of a pizza. Donnie had 0.4 and I ate 0.2 of the pizza. How much did we eat in all? How much pizza was left over?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Book Report in a Can Project

Due Date: February 25, 2011

Here are the steps to have a successful:

1. Choose a chapter book that is in your AR book level from the library while we have library time today, Feb. 8th. Be sure that it is one that you haven’t read and tested on before.

2. Read the book and take an AR test on it.

3. Decorate a large coffee can, shoebox, or container of your choice with something that represents the setting of the story. For example, the setting may be the beach, colonial times, a school, etc. You can paint the container, or cover it with paper or fabric. The more 3D, the better. THERE ARE NO LIMITS.

4. Inside the container you should have something like a puppet to represent one of the main characters. This can be made of paper, wood, a pre-made doll, anything. THERE ARE NO LIMITS.

5. Also in the container there should be a 5x7 index card with a summary neatly written in cursive or typed, telling the main idea of the story. The summary should make me want to read this book right away. It is a summary, we are not retelling the story. It should be like a summary found on the back or inside the cover of a book.

6. The last component is for the student to somehow portray a scene from the story. This can be by telling, singing, acting out, a student-made video. THERE ARE NO LIMITS.

How will this be graded.

Neatness (20points)—The project should show that time was taken to complete it. This is not something that should be done at the last minute.

Imagination/creativity/hard work (20points)—The more this presentation makes us want to read the book, the better. There are no limits. Included in these points is the presentation of a scene from the book.

Index card with summary(20 points) of the main characters, setting, and basic idea of the story.

Decorated container (20 points)—represent the setting of the story.

Puppets to represent the main character (20 points)—choose one or more characters and form something to look like those characters.

Remember to get full credit this presentation should make us want to read this story right away! THERE ARE NO LIMITS!! The extravagancy, imagination, creativity, hard work, and thought that is put into this project will definitely result in a high grade.

Mrs. Helums

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mystery Math Monday

Solve the problem below and return it to school by Friday of this week. Be sure to show all of your work and explain your answer.

A group of 17 friends buy tickets for the amusement park. Each friend buys 48 tickets. How many tickets does the group of friends buy in all?

News for Feb. 7th

Fourth Grade News
For the Week of February 7, 2011
Reading: Encantado; Compare and Contrast; Visualize
Math: Fractions Ch. 21 and 22
Beginning this week we will participate in a school-wide emphasis on mastery of Math facts. It is called Mad Math. This is a daily math drill.
Language: subject and object pronouns; descriptive writing
Spelling: Monday: ABC Order Tuesday: Definitions
Wednesday: Sentences Thursday: 3 x each
Friday: Unit test and turn in activities.
Science--- Chapter 11: States of Matter

Important Dates to Remember:
Feb. 8- PTO Meeting
Feb. 19- Mr. and Ms. Harvest Elementary Pageant
Feb. 25- Symphony Field Trip- Permission Slips are coming
Feb. 10—Reading Test
Feb. 11--Spelling Test
Feb. 11—division 7’s
Students should have at least 50% of AR point goal with 85% accuracy by the end of this week. Please make sure that your child is reading AR books each night for at least 30 minutes.

Spelling Words
1. chicken 11. threaten
2. eleven 12. diagonal
3. given 13. paddle
4. jungle 14. animal
5. national 15. spiral
6. several 16. marble
7. natural 17. oval
8. needle 18. mumble
9. single 19. tangle
citizen 20. frighten